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Handle clicks outside of a specified element.

onClickOutside detects clicks that occur outside a specified element's boundaries and executes a callback function. It's commonly used for dismissible dropdowns, modals, and other interactive components.



Has not clicked outside yet.

Status: Enabled

Basic Usage

		<script lang="ts">
	import { onClickOutside } from "runed";
	let container = $state<HTMLElement>()!;
		() => container,
		() => console.log("clicked outside")
<div bind:this={container}>
	<!-- Container content -->
<button>I'm outside the container</button>

Advanced Usage

Controlled Listener

The function returns control methods to programmatically manage the listener, start and stop and a reactive read-only property enabled to check the current status of the listeners.

		<script lang="ts">
	import { onClickOutside } from "runed";
	let dialog = $state<HTMLDialogElement>()!;
	const clickOutside = onClickOutside(
		() => dialog,
		() => {
		{ immediate: false }
	function openDialog() {
	function closeDialog() {
<button onclick={openDialog}>Open Dialog</button>
<dialog bind:this={dialog}>
		<button onclick={closeDialog}>Close Dialog</button>

Here's an example of using onClickOutside with a <dialog>:

This is a dialog.

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque sunt aut sit exercitationem deleniti doloremque quo quasi, expedita omnis dicta eaque, eveniet nesciunt nobis sint atque? Praesentium facilis officiis perferendis.


type: boolean

Whether the click outside handler is enabled by default or not. If set to false, the handler will not be active until enabled by calling the returned start function.

default: true
type: boolean

Controls whether focus events from iframes trigger the callback. Since iframe click events don't bubble to the parent document, you may want to enable this if you need to detect when users interact with iframe content.

default: false
type: Document

The document object to use, defaults to the global document.

default: document
type: Window

The window object to use, defaults to the global window.

default: window

Type Definitions

		export type OnClickOutsideOptions = ConfigurableWindow &
	ConfigurableDocument & {
		 * Whether the click outside handler is enabled by default or not.
		 * If set to false, the handler will not be active until enabled by
		 * calling the returned `start` function
		 * @default true
		immediate?: boolean;
		 * Controls whether focus events from iframes trigger the callback.
		 * Since iframe click events don't bubble to the parent document,
		 * you may want to enable this if you need to detect when users
		 * interact with iframe content.
		 * @default false
		detectIframe?: boolean;
 * A utility that calls a given callback when a click event occurs outside of
 * a specified container element.
 * @template T - The type of the container element, defaults to HTMLElement.
 * @param {MaybeElementGetter<T>} container - The container element or a getter function that returns the container element.
 * @param {() => void} callback - The callback function to call when a click event occurs outside of the container.
 * @param {OnClickOutsideOptions} [opts={}] - Optional configuration object.
 * @param {ConfigurableDocument} [opts.document=defaultDocument] - The document object to use, defaults to the global document.
 * @param {boolean} [opts.immediate=true] - Whether the click outside handler is enabled by default or not.
 * @param {boolean} [opts.detectIframe=false] - Controls whether focus events from iframes trigger the callback.
 * @see {@link}
export declare function onClickOutside<T extends Element = HTMLElement>(
	container: MaybeElementGetter<T>,
	callback: (event: PointerEvent | FocusEvent) => void,
	opts?: OnClickOutsideOptions
): {
	/** Stop listening for click events outside the container. */
	stop: () => boolean;
	/** Start listening for click events outside the container. */
	start: () => boolean;
	/** Whether the click outside handler is currently enabled or not. */
	readonly enabled: boolean;