Watch for changes and runs async data fetching
In SvelteKit, using load functions is the primary approach for data fetching. While you can handle
reactive data fetching by using URLSearchParams
for query parameters, there are cases where you
might need more flexibility at the component level.
This is where resource
comes in - it's a utility that seamlessly combines reactive state
management with async data fetching.
Built on top of watch
, it runs after rendering by default, but also provides a pre-render option
via resource.pre()
<script lang="ts">
import { resource } from "runed";
let id = $state(1);
const searchResource = resource(
() => id,
async (id, prevId, { data, refetching, onCleanup, signal }) => {
// data: the previous value returned from the fetcher
// refetching: whether the fetcher is currently refetching
// or it can be the value you passed to refetch()
// onCleanup: A cleanup function that will be called when the source is invalidated
// and the fetcher is about to re-run
// signal: AbortSignal for cancelling fetch requests
const response = await fetch(`api/posts?id=${id}`, { signal });
return response.json();
debounce: 300
// lazy: Skip initial fetch when true
// once: Only fetch once when true
// initialValue: Provides an initial value for the resource
// debounce: Debounce rapid changes
// throttle: Throttle rapid changes
// The current value of the resource
// Whether the resource is currently loading
// Error if the fetch failed
// Update the resource value directly, useful for optimistic updates
// Re-run the fetcher with current watching values
<input type="number" bind:value={id} />
{#if searchResults.loading}
{:else if searchResults.error}
<div>Error: {searchResults.error.message}</div>
{#each searchResults.current ?? [] as result}
- Automatic Request Cancellation: When dependencies change, in-flight requests are automatically canceled
- Loading & Error States: Built-in states for loading and error handling
- Debouncing & Throttling: Optional debounce and throttle options for rate limiting
- Type Safety: Full TypeScript support with inferred types
- Multiple Dependencies: Support for tracking multiple reactive dependencies
- Custom Cleanup: Register cleanup functions that run before refetching
- Pre-render Support:
for pre-render execution
Advanced Usage
Multiple Dependencies
<script lang="ts">
const results = resource([() => query, () => page], async ([query, page]) => {
const res = await fetch(`/api/search?q=${query}&page=${page}`);
return res.json();
Custom Cleanup
<script lang="ts">
const stream = resource(
() => streamId,
async (id, _, { signal, onCleanup }) => {
const eventSource = new EventSource(`/api/stream/${id}`);
onCleanup(() => eventSource.close());
const res = await fetch(`/api/stream/${id}/init`, { signal });
return res.json();
Pre-render Execution
<script lang="ts">
const data = resource.pre(
() => query,
async (query) => {
const res = await fetch(`/api/search?q=${query}`);
return res.json();
Configuration Options
When true, skips the initial fetch. The resource will only fetch when dependencies change or refetch()
is called.
When true, only fetches once. Subsequent dependency changes won't trigger new fetches.
Provides an initial value for the resource before the first fetch completes. Useful if you already have the data and don't want to wait for the fetch to complete.
Time in milliseconds to debounce rapid changes. Useful for search inputs.
The debounce implementation will cancel pending requests and only execute the last one after the specified delay.
Time in milliseconds to throttle rapid changes. Useful for real-time updates.
The throttle implementation will ensure that requests are spaced at least by the specified delay, returning the pending promise if called too soon.
Type Definitions
type ResourceOptions<Data> = {
/** Skip initial fetch when true */
lazy?: boolean;
/** Only fetch once when true */
once?: boolean;
/** Initial value for the resource */
initialValue?: Data;
/** Debounce time in milliseconds */
debounce?: number;
/** Throttle time in milliseconds */
throttle?: number;
type ResourceState<Data> = {
/** Current value of the resource */
current: Data | undefined;
/** Whether the resource is currently loading */
loading: boolean;
/** Error if the fetch failed */
error: Error | undefined;
type ResourceReturn<Data, RefetchInfo = unknown> = ResourceState<Data> & {
/** Update the resource value directly */
mutate: (value: Data) => void;
/** Re-run the fetcher with current values */
refetch: (info?: RefetchInfo) => Promise<Data | undefined>;
type ResourceFetcherRefetchInfo<Data, RefetchInfo = unknown> = {
/** Previous data return from fetcher */
data: Data | undefined;
/** Whether the fetcher is currently refetching or it can be the value you passed to refetch. */
refetching: RefetchInfo | boolean;
/** A cleanup function that will be called when the source is invalidated and the fetcher is about to re-run */
onCleanup: (fn: () => void) => void;
/** AbortSignal for cancelling fetch requests */
signal: AbortSignal;
type ResourceFetcher<Source, Data, RefetchInfo = unknown> = (
/** Current value of the source */
value: Source extends Array<unknown>
? {
[K in keyof Source]: Source[K];
: Source,
/** Previous value of the source */
previousValue: Source extends Array<unknown>
? {
[K in keyof Source]: Source[K];
: Source | undefined,
info: ResourceFetcherRefetchInfo<Data, RefetchInfo>
) => Promise<Data>;
function resource<
RefetchInfo = unknown,
Fetcher extends ResourceFetcher<
> = ResourceFetcher<Source, any, RefetchInfo>
source: Getter<Source>,
fetcher: Fetcher,
options?: ResourceOptions<Awaited<ReturnType<Fetcher>>>
): ResourceReturn<Awaited<ReturnType<Fetcher>>, RefetchInfo>;